Height is the most important indicator of a healthy child status

For healthy growth, there must be sufficient food intake, a normal hormonal background and an adequate atmosphere of love.

Normal height is determined based on the deviation of weight and height on the growth chart corresponding to the age and sex of the child. The standards of growth in a society vary, and growth is measured using normal growth schedules corresponding to such a society. The fastest period of growth is the period from birth to a year. In the first year of life, the baby's growth increases by 24 cm, in 1-2 years of life the average increase in growth is 12 cm. In subsequent years, the increase in growth reaches up to 5-6 cm.

The main reasons affecting the slowdown in growth increase:

  • The presence of any chronic diseases in the child
  • Irrational non-diverse nutrition
  • The presence of parasitic worms in the body
  • Lack of physical activity - hypodynamia
  • Psychological trauma
  • Growth hormone deficiency
  • Heredity, and etc.

What to do to increase the growth of the child?

  • To ensure a properly balanced diet
  • Physical activity
  • Normal sleep
  • Sunlight, fresh air, and etc.