
Dr. Samira Nasibova

Pediatric endocrinologist

About the doctor
The doctor's name:
The doctor's surname:
Pediatric Endocrinologist
A member of the European Society of Pediatric Endocrinologists (ESPE), PhD student of the Scientific Research Pediatric Institute named after K. Farajova
Pediatric endocrinologist
✅ In 2005, she graduated from faculty of Pediatrics of the Azerbaijan Medical University. Then she continued her education as a resident at the Department of Pediatric Pulmonology and Endocrinology at the Teaching Therapeutic Clinic of AMU under the scientific guidance of Dr. Ilsur Novruzov.
Courses, Conferences:
✅ In 2015, she participated in a diabetes symposium organized by Columbia University and the Open Medical Institute.
✅ Participated in Azerbaijan-Turkey Pediatric Endocrinology course.
✅ She participated in the osteocourse under the guidance of Prof. Cengiz Kara.
✅ Samsun 19 May University, Department of Pediatric Endocrinology. She took a course in pediatric endocrinology under the guidance of Prof. Murat Aydin.
The directions of checkup and treatment:
✅ Short stature in children
✅ Growth retardation in children, growth hormone stimulation test
✅ Diabetes mellitus
✅ Problems of sexual development in children
✅ Early Sexual Maturity
✅ Delayed Sexual Maturity
✅ Hypoglycemia (Low blood sugar)
✅ Excess weight (obesity)
✅ Diseases of the thyroid gland (Hypothyroidism-Hyperthyroidism)
✅ Penis problems
✅ Diseases of the adrenal glands
✅ Menstrual disorders
✅ Excessive hairiness
✅ Diseases of the pituitary gland
✅ Turner syndrome
✅ Diseases associated with vitamin D.
✅ Disorders associated with calcium and phosphorus metabolism
✅ Various bone diseases, such as rickets, Incomplete osteogenesis
✅ Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of endocrinological problems
Work experience:
✅ Since 2019, she has been working at Leyla Medical Center